Thursday, February 7, 2013

We made it to Johannesburg

Sisters wearing Care4Soweto and Suncoast Hospice buttons
Hi everyone!  We made it to Johannesburg.  Our flight was good and we enjoyed watching movies- good thing because none of us slept very well or very long.  So, here we are in Johannesburg, where the time zone is 7 hours ahead of Clearwater.  Even though we're pretty tired (and fairly silly from not sleeping much in the last two days), we're super excited about out first day.

We arrived at Hospice Wits around 9:00 in the morning, Tuesday (we left Tampa at 6 am Monday). The hospice had a nice welcoming breakfast for us and many staff stopped by to say hello.  Penny, Dorcus, Ntombi, and Bev (who were with us in October/November) came and were wearing their red Suncoast Hospice buttons!!

Jacqui Kaye and Stacy Orloff at Resale Shop
We toured a few of their Hospice Resale Shoppes and their beautiful campus in Johannesburg.  Then we went to our host homes so we cold unpack and relax before dinner.  We hope to sleep well tonight. 

We'll be in Soweto all day Wednesday.  Susan, Terri, and I will be providing a full day of education to the nursing sisters and community care workers.  We're very excited to spend the day learning together. 

Keep reading the blog and post comments.  Your comments help us to feel even more connected to you- plus I'll share them with the Hospice Wits staff too!

Until tomorrow,

1 comment:

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