I've been thinking a lot about the meaning of the word 'partnership' since we returned from our trip. I looked in the dictionary. I read the words: colleague, ally, joint interest, association. I know we've been 'partnered' with our sister hospice since 2000 and I know that the Foundation for Hospices in Sub-Saharan Africa have made almost 80 partnerships with hospices in the US and Sub-Saharan Africa. But what does that word truly mean and what are the inherant expectations of being partnered with someone or something?
For me, having returned now from my second trip to South Africa, being partnered with our sister hospice means having a sacred covenent with not only the hospice organization itself but also with its staff and employees. I am bound to them as they are bound to me. We are teachers and students to each other. We are work colleagues worried about the same issues. We are human beings struggling with the same concerns and experiencing the same joys. We are brothers and sisters.
Our trip has ended but not our partnership. Our sacred convenent continues. Our work together continues. Our fundraising continues. This blog continues. We need you to help us continue this important work. Won't you please find a way to continue supporting our partnership? Of course, we're always happy to receive donations- money and medical supplies. We also need you. Join our African Committee. Support our fundraisers. Talk about our partnership in your communities. Share your professional expertise.
Thank you my partner.
Thanks for this meaningful message, Stacy. You remind us that the partnership is more than an organizational alliance. Caring people on either end of the partnership are bound by a common mission. I hope we can extend the fruits of our partnership with Wit through an ongoing writing relationship with the community care workers. It would be so encouraging to them, and imagine what we would learn!