Sunday, February 20, 2011

Caring &Sharing

I have found the experience with Hospice Wits all about learning how we are caring and sharing together. What a wonderful partnership that enables us to learn so much from each other. The opportunity to make visits together ,experience the history of South Africa together and spend time socializing together has helped me to understand more clearly how we can help each other. We have validated each other in the way we provide care and come away with new ideas of how we can provide better care on both sides of the world We have affirmed for each other the importance of first knowing how much we each care about our patients and each other as we are learning how much we know and can teach each other.
The skills of care, compassion and respect are an essential part of both our hospices core values. I so very much look forward to the opportunity to build on these values and the relationships I have made while sharing the hospice experience in South Africa. Many thanks to you all who created this wonderful opportunity and will continue to make all our the dreams possible.


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